demography immigration and identity politics, the system is geared for that. he got elected twice and suddenly they will go up and said, he's kind of a narcissist. we lost the state legislatures, governorships and house and senate, and out of that frustration, they think big money. it's a party of the rich now, silicon valley, wall street, hollywood and the steiger brothers. maybe they will like that spectacle and they will pour money in. some days we say, we have to import the tactics of the campus and we have these upper-middle-class kids, identity politics, get in their face and mob them. shout them down and get rid of due process. sometimes they are frustrated in the system that used to be great between 2009 to 16, it suddenly is antidemocratic. we need ten senators from california and it nonfrom wyoming, there are too few people there. or let's get rid of the electoral college or let's go back to 1869, before which we had different numbers of