really matters, which is the supreme court, which is this institution of respect, of professionalism, of the fact that he said that he will be an independent judge, and. brian: gotcha. >> he had all the qualifications for it it's his time and time for the senate to vote. steve: well, and it looks like the judiciary committee is going to vote today. mercedes we have breaking news. apparently fox is confirming that the house conservatives and the republican leadership have reached a deal to bring in rod rosenstein to question him about that "new york times" article. not clear if rosenstein will respond to the request but fox is told the judiciary committee and/or oversight could subpoena him. what does the white house think of that? >> well, we will see. the president will be talking with rod rosenstein, i believe, next week. and i don't want to get ahead of any of those conversations. brian: the president will be talking to him next week? >> i think that is the plan, yes. brian: they spoke yesterday? >> i am not aware. steve: but the president was busy watching the hearing