a poise and beauty and what's wrong with that? >> nothing at all. or you homecoming? >> martha: never! i did not follow in my wonderful mom's footsteps. >> not enough boys. >> martha: not enough boys, not enough beauty and not good enough grades. let's put up the billboard. they are worried that people's feelings might be hurt in california if they are called a stoner because pot is legal, recreational pot and an eight other states so they are saying don't use that word, it's a little bit offensive. call the person a nurse, call them a police officer, call them what they are supposed to be called. >> i didn't think stoners got offended. i think they are pretty chill, but what does smoking marijuana feel like, martha? >> martha: i wouldn't know. >> me neither! i don't really know what being stone feels like so i can't really understand the offense taken. is it like a feeling in the head like stoned? >> martha: it supposed to mean that you are lazy and that your