>> tucker: tell us i ♪ >> tucker: tell us if you recognize the script, if it sounds familiar. "donald trump has violated vital and cherished norms in this country. he has lowered america's moral tone. he has turned our national conversation into a tawdry sideshow fit for "the new york post." you hear that a lot in the media. sometimes people yell it at you. they seem entirely convinced it's true.l the ladies on "the view" are convinced it's true and today they decided to fight back. to make this country a little t more wholesome. how did they do that? they gave three segments of their show to a newly-minted political pundit who has spent her career having sex with strangers for money. along the ride was her creepy s porn lawyer, who even by her own standards, and we know a lot about it, was especially creepy today. watch this. >> comments from tucker carlson and some of these other pigs that are men that make these comments belong -- >> pigs are the smartest animals. >> no man should be making