as many 30,000 members exist in -- what's the will president's take on this u.n. report and what would the consideration consider overall victory against isis? >> we would like osee every single member of isis defeated across the globe. i think that would be the ultimate victory. john, go ahead. >> sarah, closing argue. s are taking place across the river in alexandria for the tax fraud trial of paul manafort. and in mid june the president said that he felt badly for mr. manafort and that he believes he is being treated unfairly. is the president still friends with mr. manafort? when was the last time he spoke with mr. manafort? >> i'm not aware of any recent conversations that they have had. >> he believes is he being treated unfairly. >> i think the president has made that clear in his previous comments. i don't have anything to add beyond that at this point, blake, go ahead. >> sarah, thank you, you just said a couple minutes ago that the increased tariff levels with turkey