to be president. he believes he can beat president trump. if you look at the clinton-trump presidential election, i think joe would do very well in the swing states. he is really the number one surrogate for democrats going into the mid terms. so i think he feels really good about his chances if he was going to run. ainsley: do you think he has a good chance. >> i think he would have a great chance if he runs, he is a great general election candidate. the democratic primary will be fascinating. it will be like the republican primary probably a couple of years ago. you know, the democratic party is a little interesting. i think we will go back to more like a 2008 election than a 2016 election. rasmussen poll did a recent poll whereby 73% thought they would want a fresh face. the odds are biden and senator warren and sanders. you know, there is some really fresh, interesting faces. ainsley: is it too risky to put a fresh face out there,