they are like, let's keep this going for as long as we possibly can. that said, democrats are super good at reminding people -- they are very good at registering new voters. it swamps republicans if republicans don't focus on it. it is something that republicans, they expect people to go out and vote because it is their civil duty. democrats go out there and they have the infrastructure to sign up new voters. it's going to be a major race. >> kennedy: they are shaking the tree hoping the peaches fall. >> dana: they are going to have the 17 candidates that the republicans had. >> kennedy: that's what a lot of democrats fear. they don't want that. what is the president capitalizing on with the fund-raising push? >> jesse: small donors. he is getting a lot of money from small donors, because that surprises people because everybody thinks the republican party is the rich, elite. booker, i think he is a lightweight. warren, controversies are going to dog her and i don't think