crimea. the president as you mentioned is playing a game of lowering expectations ahead of the summit telling the cbs that he has no idea what is going to happen. >> i don't expect anything. frankly, i don't expect, have very low expectations. i think that getting along with russia is a good thing. but it is possible we won't. i think we are greatly hampered by this whole witchhunt going on in the united states. >> and the president lowering expectations for coverage as well. tweeting as he was on the way to helsinki from scotland. unfortunately, no matter how well they do at the summit if i was given this great city of moscow as retribution or restitution, where all the sins and evens committed by russia over the years, i would return to criticism that it was not good enough. that i should have gone st. petersburg in addition. >> despite the sarcasm at the end. the one-on-one meeting will take place first. then you have a press conference. then chris wallace sits with vladimir putin. the last hour we said you were surprised that they will take