district from the special counsel. they're looking for trump, not looking for a crime. >> laura: chris, this is what michael said about what cohen really wants here. let's watch. >> this is michael cohen trying to send a message to the president that he wants the president to pay his legal bills or he's going to flip. you know, he's playing games with the american people. if he has information that's damaging to this president -- and i know for a fact that he does -- then he should come forward ande state it and disclose it now. what he's doing is playing games by giving g these off-camera interviews like you saw today. >> laura: chris yours reaction now. >> i don't know. i mean, i don't know what michael was trying to say there. here is what my take-away is. two weeks ago when we were talking about him potentially flipping, we were reacting to an abc news story which had a single by line george stephanopoulous. today he gave an interview to