lot about insurance and coverage. ainsley: it's expensive. if you don't have healthcare, wow. steve: it's a problem. what you don't know is almost every weekend ainsley goes home. ainsley: i do. she is in a facility in charlotte. dr. vijraj is her doctor. without him i don't know what we would do. she definite live would not be here. he accepted her into the program when no one else would because she was so severely injured and we just love you dr. raj. steve: dan bongino our friend down in florida good morning to you. how did you spend your father's day? >> doing what i love to do. which is eat steak. i went through a steak house with my wife and kids. and i tore that steak up like you wouldn't believe. so, that is my favorite. that's all i like is steak and trucks. that's it. brian: dan, the other thing do you. for real fun you hop into an octagon and start fighting people. >> actually i do on saturday