it's a societal problem. it happens in all races. it's a cultural problem and it certainly contributes to a lot of the violence we see but in terms of what government can do there's not much they can do to solve fatherlessness but to richard's point, you can solve economic opportunity and provide opportunity to get out of these communities, to get into a society or a situation where you are prospering. that's why i'm pleased to see president trump historically low african-american unemployment, hispanic unemployment. these are the types of things the government can do. they can't solve fatherlessness. >> the government can solve fatherless homes. we have a problem, i think republicans and democrats have both identified, we have a prison industrial complex that is ridiculous and outrageous that cost us billions of dollars. if we really cared about ending fatherless homes, if we really cared about fixing this problem then there would be a march on capitol hill every day to make sure that our criminal justice system works for everybody. when african-american man goes to jail for two times the sentence that a white person does for the same crime we have a larger problem on our hands