standard that's going to be very hard for them to meet in terms of ids and so forth, driver's licenses. statistically, the people in lower associate comic status don't have a driver's license. -- sociocomic stats don't have a driver's license. you have to go 150 miles away to get that i.d. >> tucker: that's a patronizing thing to say about a large group of people. >> it's statistically true. i'm sorry. >> tucker: it's not statistically true. i dug into the stats. it's a lie. why wouldn't we say paper ballots only? why wouldn't we say why not go through every voter role in america and make sure only american citizens and not spooky foreign agents are allowed to vote? >> make sure only americans are voting, as we should make sure only americans who are trying to influence campaigns, not russians, not all these people that don trump jr. met with. that's against the law. >> tucker: what's hilarious is we both live in this city that