he was really encouraging. an action oriented meeting. he had their share of talking about the law-enforcement side, had the city council members focused on the constitutional issue, checks and balances the need to happen between the federal, state, and local jurisdictions. >> shannon: sheriff, i want to review something from the executive director of the aclu of san diego talking about law enforcement working with the immigrant communities. she said "nationwide law enforcement leaders and police chiefs acknowledge public trust is key to effective community policing. we know people are less likely to report crimes when victims and witnesses. they may be deported if they contact local police. it's an argument we hear a lot." what's the reality of the impact of the century state laws on your ability to do your job as a law enforcement official? >> the impact is that this entry state law protects criminals, not victims and witnesses. that is the big problem. the big myth that some of the victims and witnesses are being told. that make them afraid.