"the daily caller" printed a lie. it's interesting that avenatti is talking about ethics when he is charged with being unethical. >> melissa: i'm sure that is why he is doing it. the irony is not lost on him. brad, the allegations have to do with business practices in the past and it makes him look like he is money-grubbing. do we know whether these are true or false? there are court documents that the "daily caller" says back them up. >> if he knows it was untrue there would be action here. i don't disagree with the legal threshold that richard mentioned before. he is a public figure so the malice aspect has to be included in it. it is a different set of circumstances when it's a non-public figure. however, i think on a political point, i think that the democrats, my party, made a terrible mistake here. you know they are pushing him forward in the attack mode.