factories, but our factories are closed, long closed comic technology is now in the process of eliminating millions more blue-collar jobs in america. the last thing we need is more low skilled immigration, any economist can tell you that. we can't even take care of our own low skilled workers. hundreds of thousands are sleeping outside tonight and every night, they are homeless. as for assimilation, have you been to miami recently? don't take our word for it. here is what he was a research side. fully 95% of american hispanics "it is an important and that future generations of hispanics living in the u.s. be able to speak spanish. even by the third and fourth generation about half of hispanic parents years till my cure speak spanish or their children." that's not immoral but it's not assimilation. shut up, says msnbc, we don't want to hear the facts, we need the votes, be quiet or we will shout you down thought criminal. an attorney and columnist says that kelly's remarks were on excitable. i don't how you say that because they are true.