comey does not just that. instead, he acts as though he knows for certain that they were acting on trump's behalf.f. we don't know that for certain. comey is passing on speculation as fact. if comey and the fbi wanted to get to the bottom of a russian plot against our democracy, whym didn't the bureau investigate the dnc service to make certain that russia really hack to them? regale us what you hear, we've never seen any evidence h that the government f russia directed the theft of data for most servers or from john podesta's email icon for that matter. we take on face. everyone repeats it likes it's true. why should we believe that without actual proof? because people likeca jim comey say so, because our intel agencies never lie to us? right. comey's main piece of evidence that the president is a russian stooge is that he never heard trump criticized by married put and, even in private conversations. i don't know what's behind that, comey says. byblos location is that trump is