replacing wall along the border, all of the suggestions coming from people on the ground. field agents who are saying these are the most important places, we need to stop violent cartels from coming through. and human trafficking. i know that it's been president trump's big statement and he's certainly deserves credit for that. in terms of the details of where this initial funding and where this other funding, whether it comes from the military, from the regular budget eventually, is coming from people who are seeing it first hand on the ground in places like california, arizona, and texas. >> dana: one thing, jehmu, the funding isn't going to materialize, not coming through new appropriations before the mid-term elections. cnn poll today says that enthusiasm for voting is actually quite low compared to 2010. it was at 32% in 2010, now only 17%. i give you the last word if you think that is of concern for democrats who think they have a chance of taking back the house.