any method of defending myself. the people that it's going to affect are the 19-year-old law abiding american who wants to go and deer hunt or the person who maybe wants to do a three gun competition with hopes of competing some day. those are the people it's going to affect. future servicemen and women or current servicemen and women when they go and enlist it's going to affect their ability to protect themselves at home as well. making people wait doesn't solve psychosis. and once again, we're punishing law abiding americans, stripping from them a right without due process. >> martha: you believe there needs -- there has to be enough in place to be able to stop this young shooter in florida from getting a gun. >> right. >> martha: that is not connected to his age. because, clearly he was on the radar of law enforcement and clearly he had mental health problems. >> he was. and there was an article that came out in the miami herald as well, martha, that discussed -- it was talking