with a bow and presenting it to the american people. >> greg: i love the bonus idea. it was a great idea. >> dana: it is a businessman's idea. >> kimberly: it makes sense. what did you think, jesse? you were very moved, as we all were yesterday. today was i think significant follow-up. >> jesse: i'm struck by how the republican party as the party of ideas. to greg's point, you've had so many specific ideas come out from the president's mouth about solving the issue. you've had a lot of specific ideas coming from the president's mouth about solving integration. we saw the same kind of organic, how the sausage is made kind of meeting with the immigration thing. you are seeing it with guns now and i am not hearing the same sort of ideas from the democratic side of the aisle. i don't even know what the democrats want to do on guns. i know they don't like guns. i know they want to ban ar-15s but in terms of school safety,