enforcing the laws we already have. it is like a lot of issues. you can have people on good faith of both sides of the issue. if the country or the congress is so split, nothing gets done. >> sandra: before i let you go, chris, can you give us an update where things stand with immigration? multiple proposals fail in the senate. months of negotiations and here we are friday morning ahead of a holiday weekend. where does this go? >> nowhere. the fact is you had everything from the president's plan which got the fewest votes, only 39. so 21 votes short of a filibuster proof majority to the bipartisan plan which the white house came out strongly against even before it was voted on as doug mcelway mentioned a threat of a presidential veto. the department of homeland security said it would give up enforcing our borders. ist got 54 votes. six short of the majority. the house is passing called the goodlatte plan. the chairman of the house