particularly if you willingly participate in russian propaganda efforts -- a >> tucker, you don't honestly believe that someone being on af network doing in appearance... it could've been on sugar content in food -- >> tucker: it was on american intelligence gathering. i watched it today. he is going on flattering putin's propaganda outlet to talk about american intelligence. does that bother you? >> tucker, you're comparing that to what we know ultimately happened. there were people who set up meetings with the trump family in order to get information and you are trying to compare that to rt. i don't think that's very effective. >> tucker: adam schiff did exactly that last year -- >> are you honestly -- if i go on fox network, therefore i'm tainted by fox forever? that wouldn't make a lot of sense. >> tucker: this is a total mccarthyite witch hunt, as you know. the attorney generalds recused himself because he shook the hand with the russian ambassado