that lived here all their lives and they don't know any other home, he would be doing it against their wishes. you'd think they would want something in return, right? >> i think that the republicans that's talked to on the hill and elsewhere feel like there is a potential for a deal to be struck if democrats -- it's not necessarily -- it's not just about sort of the outcome of the deal and the details, but the sequencing. the republicans that i talked to said if we can get the wall funding, if we can get these other things like, you know, a limit of chain migration, a reform of the visa lottery system, then perhaps there would be more room to negotiate on the sequencing. >> shepard: depends on what funding for the wall means. because we now have heard from the president that this revised standard version of the wall, which is not a 2000 mile wall but some walling, fencing, some technology, some people, some