anybody is suggesting right now. and i think oprah would be very smart to sit this one out. >> sean: why is there a desire always in the media, joe, for their savior? because we know that they wake up in the morning seeing what they can hate donald trump about on any given day. >> sean, i think the media is advocating for an oprah winfrey candidacy because never, in the history of clicks and ratings would there be anything better from an info takenment perspective, than a business perspective than winfrey vs. trump in 2020. i just find that amazing that the same media that derided a political novice and a tv host for having the audacity to run in 2016 is rouxing over the prospect of oprah winfrey doing it in 2020. >> sean: one of the things i always like to ask you because i watch the attacks on your family. you know that they are -- they always wanted to get donald trump. they never thought he would win. then he wins. then they were attacking