transcript of fusion gps co-founder glenn simpson august interview with the senate judiciary committee. here with a live report from the white house and all the latest details is ed henry. ed, they talked about somebody died already over this. >> yeah. a question that maybe leaking out this information in the so-called trump dossier, that unverified information about the president may have led to someone being killed, an intelligence asset who was revealed because of this information that was published. in fact, in the last few moments, the president's personal attorney michael cohen has filed two lawsuits involving the dossier over defamation. one for buzz feed which published some of this. the other being actually fusion gps, the company that put together the dossier and glenn simpson personally the former journalist involved in fusion gps. more on that in a minute. as you mentioned the fbi tonight also facing more scrutiny over anti-trump text messages on the eve of