as hard as tom hanks did you are just not human. the speech didn't just win oprah applause. many people predictably or talk about oprah running for president this morning because there are 24 hours to fill in cable news. that speculation was fueled by reports on monday that oprah is seriously considering a run. jennifer rubin, who posed as a conservative over tweeted "oprah-yates 2020!" bill kristol, tweeted #i'mwithher. joy reed suggested oprah is already the president at least in spirit. "switch back to the golden globes to watch oprah get her award. never let it be said that i don't respect the president of the united states. spiritually of course. wendy joins us tonight. good to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> tucker: a moment of seriousness now. oprah is very one of the great communicatorsrs obviously. if she ran in the democratic primary she would win. it's all daytime tv viewers