of course he won, and surprised all the critics, the pollsters and so forth. but it struck me yesterday and especially watching mcconnell, ryan, even that little bit of concession from corker. i think they have moved toward him more than he has moved toward them. >> yeah, look, america wanted a disruptive president. they didn't like what was happening in washington, d.c. on either side of the aisle. and if the democrats only thing that they can really point to as a highlight for their 2017 is a snen nark ballot. you know it was a terrible year for democrats. they lost, they lost big, hillary clinton's numbers are even lower. if the race were won again, donald trump would win by even bigger numbers. he did help unite the party. after the proverbial political face plant by blowing on obamacare. they finally realized that maybe we ought to come together and the president did work hard behind the scenes.