the president now hoping that good things will flow from what he insists will be a real boost to the economy tweeting this morning the massive tax cuts which the fake news media is separate to write badly about to please their democrat bosses will soon be kicking in and speak for themselves. companies are already making big payments to workers. dems want to raise taxes and hate the big cuts. the president read the announcement from at&t it would invest $1 billion in the united states and give every one of its $200,000 employees a $1,000 bonus. the president predicting that's the tip of the iceberg. listen here. >> president trump: we will see something that will be very special. we're bringing the entrepreneur back into this country. we're getting rid of all the knots and ties and you're going to see what happens. ultimately what does it mean? it means jobs, jobs, jobs. >> not a lot of time for celebrating. the white house had to get to work on getting an agreement to