exchanged between the chief of staff and omarosa after she was given the news that her time at the white house was about to end. contrary to report that she went running after ivanka trump to talk her out of it and tried to get to the residence to see the president, i'm told none of that is true. sarah huckabee sanders you saw there said that omarosa would be here later on today. the secret service confirmed that her hard employee pass was deactivated tuesday night. so i would expect if she's back in the white house this afternoon, that she would be waved in like any other visitor or any other official from a different branch of government that would be coming in here. i got a sense maybe the white house is trying to quell the firestorm over this by having her come here later on today and maybe letting her say hello to a few people. trace? >> i think your sense is right. john roberts live at the white house. let's bring in amy stoddard from real clear politics. she's also the host of "no