people into the gloibl economy because when you think about there's no physical currency you could go to a village somewhere in the middle of nowhere, hey, we are going to put solar panels on your roof with battery and it's, you know, .005 bitcoin to power your place a month and you trade apple for 50 bitcoin and suddenly you bring the ability to exchange goods for money to places that have never had that before so there's a lot to the story that i think we are just on the cusp of it. julie: i definitely think so. yeah, it's very interesting but i will stick with my debit card. >> go with cash and paypal. i'm with you on that. julie: that's okay. brett larson, thanks for coming in on the saturday. >> i think hedge fundable is not a word, it is two words, it's a winter wonderland in the big apple. we will check weather across the