>> sean: this is a fox news alert. a jihaddist struck in new york city today killing 8 people injuring 15. president trump moments ago tweeted quote i have just ordered homeland security to step up our already extreme vetting program being politically correct is fine but not for this. now, because of all the breaking news, i'm going to have my monologue investigating the investigators, robert mueller, wait until you hear this tomorrow. it is unbelievable what we found. but we continue with fox news correspondent at large geraldo rivera, the author of the brand new book fatwa, just out today, hunted in america. pam geller. and also dr. sebastian gorka. geraldo, i did not hear pam. and i never hear anybody, say all muslims -- nobody on this program thinks that. but there is a -- there is a radicalized element within islam that is causing chaos, death, misery, and want a caliphate where everybody converts to their way or