investigation with campos and the law enforcement timeline all over you have to start to say to yourself this is one of the largest mass murders in american history. the public has a genuine real interest tucker in finding out what the hell happened here. i get it. you are the cops. i was one. i totally understand your job. but this wasn't a burglary at the 7-eleven. the american public is understandably a bit frightened. what the heck happened? were we dealing with a psychopath? were we dealing with a radical? terrorist? what is going on? mandalay, i have to be honest, is just not helping here with the bumpered -- butchered p.r. campaign. >> tucker: they have a different agenda, to avoid getting sued. there are a lot of lawsuits brewing now. most confusing thing to me is why don't the feds take charge? we know the f.b.i. has by their own explanation dozens of dozens of special agents working on this. why doesn't a spokesman come