leaking starts when people are dissatisfied that they're not getting heard. so what do they do? they go and try to influence that from the outside. you have to have a team mentality. the general certainly understands that and i think that's kind of team playing discipline he's instilling. leland: team playing if it starts in the west wing, conceivably makes it easier to get things done. reasonable people can agree that it's not been successful in terms of what they want to get done on capitol hill. peggy noonen writing this in the wall street journal about general kelly. generals are not known for a lack of self-confidence. if he goes up against mitch mcconnell it won't be a big dog versus eager puppy, in that i'm guessing she is referring to reince priebus. and he has how much, if you w t

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Leland Vittert ,People ,Kind ,The General ,Leaking ,Steam Playing ,Team Playing Discipline ,Outside ,Team Mentality ,Things ,Terms ,West Wing ,Capitol Hill ,Generals ,Won T ,Black ,Big Dog ,Self Confidence ,Wall Street Journal About General Kelly ,Mitch Mcconnell ,Peggy Noonen ,Puppy ,Reince Priebus ,You Wt Want ,

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