with trump, it's going to happen with the annex and administration. but the policy is a good one, the russians have to be punished. the idea that we are restricting and holding trump back from negotiating so cleverly and astutely with russia on other things, we haven't gotten anything from russia, particularly on syria for example. where we negotiated so-called cease and fire. where the russians were going to be the ones imposing it, that astute negotiation -- i do agree that the president has gotten it right. although, i love that sarah huckabee sanders said we did this in the name of national unity. he did this in the name of not being humiliated and overridden by a congress that, when i think of the senate, 97-2, he had no choice, he had to do it. he ended up in the right place. the president wants to relax sanctions in the deal, to go to congress and negotiated, there is nothing wrong with that. >> again, this is a country that