why wasn't a body camera on why, wasn't a body camera on? but they don't stand up necessarily for the officer. so what we have seen is racial reverse of rules. all of a sudden, i saw a lot of the kind of ways that america typically respond to these incidences out the window until tonight. tonight is the first time we have seen in a racially mixed crowd there black activists standing up for this white suburban woman. >> that goes to show you how the black activists there feel that the police department of minneapolis has been running wild in their opinion for so many years regardless of race. but i have to go back to the mayor there. she got absolutely steamrolled. i have never seen a public official just get blown up like that. she had no control. no law enforcement there, the staff was whispering in her ear. what you need to do, just take a lesson, this is what you need to do the next time the stuff happens. you let them speak for 30-45 seconds.