fight for climate change. it hasn't worked before. i am skeptical that it will work politically. stick with the left is showing it has become an issue of almost religious beliefs. you could shutdown every coal mine in america, the effect on the climate, on temperature, would be negligible. you couldn't measure it. if this is such a popular issue, a consensus issue, when the democrats at the white house when obama concluded, why didn't he go to the senate? we have a constitution. there's a reason why we have provisions because you want to treaty to have substance and permanence. you go to the senate, get a consensus in the country, expressed by a two-thirds majority rather than some executive agreement like i would say the iran deal which they knew would not have consensus. the kyoto agreement was voted down by 99-1. because people didn't want it, and i think if democrats are so attached to this and think this

Related Keywords

Us ,Consensus Issue ,Climate Change ,Left ,Stick ,It Hasn T ,Beliefs ,Effect ,Coal Mine ,You Couldnt Measure It ,Obama ,White House ,Senate ,Climate ,Democrats ,Didn T ,Constitution ,Temperature ,Country ,Consensus ,Treaty ,Deal ,Reason ,Substance ,Executive Agreement ,Majority ,Permanence ,Provisions ,Iran ,Two ,People ,Kyoto Agreement ,1 ,99 ,

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