that particular strand and its violent manifestation in the form of squadism to isolate that from made styrene muslim communities and correct in inen encouraging regional leaders to challenge that form of extremism within the societies. i think the only issue there, sorry, finally is he correct in encouraging the evolution or revolution, i think that's also a positive step forward. abby: just a quick follow-up on that. >> yes. abby: how do you think the islamic extremist world responded to that speech yesterday because you a eyes were on it including terrorists wanting to know what the president was going to say? >> yes. i think they would be worried that the gap is being bridged between conservative leaders in saudi arabia and gulf countries and america. they have every interest in making sure that this is seen as a clash of civilizations and president trump was correct to posit this, instead, as a clash between good people and bad people of all faiths on both sides. so they would be worried. there is an issue that yes,