don't stand up for the promotional materials being torn down, desecrated. i haven't seen -- there is silence from professors and administrators. >> tucker: so, you became a nonliberal, i'm not sure how you classify yourself -- >> right-wing extremists. [laughter] >> tucker: you left conventional liberalism later in life. are you surprised by the response you were getting? >> absolutely. but what i am most surprised about is the right spots on the right, the warmth and the embrace and the acceptance, the community that i found on the ry amazing. when i came out of the conservative, i didn't know what awaited me. i didn't know any conservatives really, now i have this whole new community. it's been great and supportive. the left is just -- they are in their death throes right now. >> tucker: none of it is surprising me. kevin, thanks for joining us. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: a computer bug, a nasty one, has disabled hundreds of thousands of computers over the world in the past few days. up next, we will talk about whether america is at risk, your