11 or 12 million undocumented persons that you have? let me go back to the guest worker plan. senator jeff fleck and i were on the same page on this. if people that come in and work and they go back, a lot of people just want toe come in and work, you can provide that, those jobs for the people, for americans who don't want to do their job. if border patrol would not have to worry about those people looking for a job because they will go back on a guest worker plan, then, they can focus on the bad people that are trying to hurt us. >> tucker: with respect, we have been through this conversation literally for a generation on immigration reform. most people support in theory, it is the practice that scares everybody. congress is unwilling to secure the border. it's a simple ask for the publia to the lawmakers. i tell us he was coming in and out. account for the people here. to secure the border. yet, it has never been done. i don't understand why. the only explanation is you don't want to be done. >> look, remember, when i first