of their comments were hostile. ainsley: so they crowded stories with quotes from angry citizens instead of talking to people who were happy they just put in the sound bite so it's angry citizens. provided little air time to president trump and the anchors and reporters injected their own anti-trump opinions. brian: perhaps the greatest movement outside the speech on tuesday could be the president's change of tone in times of turbulence. those are two controlled tweets and a press release. he didn't vent. i thought this shows a communications maturity or a staffing up or a change. i think it's very significant. ainsley: changing his messaging, trying to increase that grade from a c to an a plus. steve: i don't think that's going to happen. brian: abby would thought grade herself but i would always give her an a. heather: good morning, you guys. good to see you this morning. we want to get to a fox news alert. and a fire overnight at the trump hotel in new york city. flames breaking out in the last hour.