donald j. president trump and markets are plunging when might they recover. a first pass answer never. as you well know the markets did precisely the opposite of what krugman predicted they would do. we're looking at the dow up now 1500 points since november 8th. this is an 8.2% gain. what caused that? >> i think, by the way paul krugman is almost always wrong. he was just being consistent in getting that wrong. look, i think it's anticipation. businesses, consumers and investors are very bullish on america right now. you saw what happened, doug, today with 8,000 new jobs coming in to the united states. that's great stuff. i think people are looking at the tax cuts that are coming. people are looking at the regulatory reforms, the pro growth in energy and say this is a president who takes growth and business seriously. that's why you've seen, you know, this dramatic crease in the dow jones. it's been flirting with 20,000 now for a week or two. every time we get right near