marathon, not a sprint. he you think it's a triathlon because it's more arduous than a marathon. you you have got to sprint and ride a bike and swim at the same time. you have a long way to go. >> there is a long way to as always. herman cain was the winner at this time when he was running. >> what ii/í meant wasuxb that herman cain was a frontrunner with close to 30% of the vote. that measuring polls in october oand november are completp'8% irrelevant. >> well, today, in 2011, herman cain dropped9bpz out of the race. even though he was leading, he dropped out today in 2011. and here is what people are asking on twitter and elsewhere. mdh 2 says governor bush, at which point should non-leading candidates get out and get behindo,! leading nontrump alternatives? >> i think we need to let the process go=uh$÷ forward. and toat's exactly what i'm doing. the pundits aren'4w=%9 decide hot9rw party's nominee is going to be. it's the people for starters in iowa, and new hampshire,