other peoples' sw situation? i started to do thinking how would i, what would i want? so for me my job was important to me.qçw' that is one of the%/u questions i asked him. do you have children? im-k asked him why he dids02b what hebñ%2 did. anod$wu question is juslh to spark conversation with him. >> he just had a baby a few daysuioó earlier. a new father. >> yes. >> you were a mother as well. and are. and one of thex'7i thinöq we didn't know about first broke, everyone is like this is anovx#xd incredible woman.4met#3íd that you, yourself were suffering1angreatly that night. you were addictedexy to meth and your daughter'sj9] father was2ym÷ killed in connection with his own drug dealing and you didn't