>> well, and the difference here is it's an organized effort to hurt him. people want to hurt him. they want to strike back. he hates them, so they want to hit him back. this might be the biggest organized boycott effort in hollywood history. >> who do you think is behind it in the police unions and organizations are driving it publicly do you think there is somebody else behind it. >> no. i don't think there is anybody else behind it i think 7%7rq said really touched a nerve for cops. you know, he keeps trying to backtrack a little bit now, saying that hey i wasn't talking about all cops. well, dew. tell us the cops you are talking about and maybe do a little research and find out if the activists you are aligning yourself with are telling the truth. >> he is certainly not doing that. is he appearing on a couple of left wing shows that have been anti-cop and that's not going to do him any good if he wants to apologize or clarify his opinion. see, i know -- i don't know tarantino. and ifób think he is a pretty good director. i mean, his movies are