>> "new york times" has a huge profile that says if not for the donald's candidacy she'd be just another trophy spouse. seriously? the "times" deleted a tweet from the candidate's wife with a close-up photo of her in a skimpy bikini bottom what was that doing in the story? here's a front page "washington post" profile that describes her posing naked 15 years ago. the icy ice, lying seductively on a fluffy fur wearing a sparkly necklace and not a stitch of clothing. i get it, writing about a former model is far more scintillating than most spouses. but she's a nonpolitical person, a devoted mother, savvy entrepreneur, can we cool it with the heavy breathing? that's it for this edition of "media buzz." i'm howard kurtz. go to our facebook page. we have your buzz video responding to your questions. you can e-mail us.