issued a subpoena for hillary clinton's e-mails related to benghazi. what's significant is we have officials confirming this house ha the state department's in the process of turning more clinton e-mail related to benghazi over to this special committee investigating the terror attacks. the committee doesn't know what's in the new e-mails. what's significant or not about the e-mails because they are in the process of being turned over to the committee. obviously, when you have a subpoena and you're supposed to turn over official documents if they're not turned over that could lead to all kinds of legal and political trouble. i want to add more breaking news in the last moment, we now have just gotten a statement from the committee and they say in the past week the state department has confirmed on the record it requested secretary clinton's e-mail and it was the committee inquiries that led them to realize it did not have the former secretary e-mails.