enough to keep the promise that we'll do what we can to keep you home? >> i think the weinstein family understands these are complicated, complex issues. they have ee norm monormous res the people out there but they also believe they're entitled to know what happened, when it happened, what they knew and did, in fact, the government take every step they could to try to identify their loved one? so we will continue to press them on that, to press them for the truth. >> when you say press them for the truth, what do you feel that you don't know that you would like to? >> one of the things we requested is for a copy of the ig's report. i think the inspector general will take a closer look at this. when it's the appropriate time we hope the white house will share what they learned from the weinstein family, lessons learned. elaine weinstein is a remarkable woman, incredibly strong, a woman of great faith. over the last couple of years she has had to suffer a lot of bad news. she can take this. what she wants is the piece of