distracting attention from her troubles. now, imagine what she'd be in this poll if all of the attention of the country were focussed on her. because the more she campaigns and the more people see of her, the less they seem to like her. partly this is because in the republican party, the energy is on the right, democratic party is on the left, and bernie sanders is where the energy is, but a very talented democratic poll-taker, peter hart says go back to every election since the second world war, start with truman dewey why the exception of the nixon elections, the most likable candidate wins. take all your fancy measurements, likability matters, and people do not seem to like the product. >> you're talking about hillary clinton? >> correct. >> christi, i'm sure somebody else is looking at that poll, is the vice president's residence here in washington, joe biden, as somebody who covers the white house, that sense, is he going