competition and you get better because of it. that's why today i am such a good baseball player. >> that's right. so the thing is you improved and you got better, but when you are the little squirt you weren't getting trophies, were you? >> no because our team was coming in last place. >> that's why. we are aligned on that, are we not? >> you have sons? >> i have sons. >> and you deprive them of things. >> one is a better athlete than the other. they are twins. hairy's nickname is there trophy and the other is mr. plaque. the nfl owners should have to give back their trophy wives because they didn't earn those either. >> wait, you don't think they earned the trophy wife? >> the arm candy they scr? >> i think it is the other way around. the trophy wives didn't earn them. >> we have differing point of views. it is out of control. it is like going to a birthday pert and you have to give