cubs made it into the man's balcony to munch on some bird feed. he is he just hungry. >> in the picture before didn't look concerned at all. >> i'm inside. like garfield. >> hey, rick is standing by outside. >> let those strange animal friends. do you ever watch those shows on animal planet or something where like these random animals become friends animals that shouldn't be friends with each other the odd couple. >> like the gorilla and the kitten. >> you may not know, clayton but a lot of the viewers know what i'm talking about. take a look at the map across the northeast. put the map in motion. starting off with a nice day. we are going to start to see the heat return across the northeast today. a lot of areas this week well into the 90's and the humidity is back. i hate to tell you. but today things kind of beginning of that process. down it the southeast, we are going to be watching some very warm temperatures. garden variety showers and maybe a few thunderstorms across the area. nothing that's going to be a