>> okay. you're in show business. you meet a lot of people.. is there racism in show business? do you think minority performers don't get the same breaks whites do? >> it's a white majority business. i wouldn't say they don't get the same breaks but i would say people hire their friends and the people they went to school with. >> there's more cronyism than -- >> but a lot of that is white cronyism. >> jon stewart and i, do you know him? >> yes. >> there are hardened beliefs. stewart beliefs white privilege is in play and i believe if you work hard no matter what color you are you can succeed. where do you come down on that? >> it's hard to say 100%. but i mean i do feel that -- i feel like it depends on the job. where there is -- so i mean i can't say this is 100% of what you're saying is right, but yes, i do believe that people use terms like "white prism" and and "white supremacy" too much.